First inhabitants for its dwelling chose in 1390. a land part of today’s Rogoznica, Kopaèa. And near island, Kopara, on which inhabitants
searched shelter from Turks, is colonized in 1518. When there was no any more danger from Turks, island is connected with a land part. On
island is in 1809. during French rule, built fortress. Old church St. John of Tragurion, from 1324. on near horn Ploèa, is telling us that this area
was visited and before first inhabitants came there. Contribution to this give us also a chapel of St. Nicholas in a cage Loznica where on a
graveyard are discovered a few ledgers (steèci). Rogoznica today is a typical Mediterranean village whose population are around 800. People
mostly work in tourism, on a land or on hookers. Thanks to preserved atmosphere of typical quiet little place.
Rogoznica to its inhabitants and visitors offers peace and rest in front of all, completely different from a modern life. That little place will hug you as a old friend and after just
few days you’ll feel as a part of local people, saying hello to fisherman’s watching them leaving and coming back in to a harbour, or toasting to
some known face looking for a short rest under palm leafs. Moments of pleasure on some of natural beaches, soon will take you out of
tensions, which gave you an idea to search a rest under a hot Mediterranean sun.